Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Making a Wetbag

Bathroom wetbag and "cotton" pads/balls
As we've been slowly transitioning from paper to un-paper, we needed a better way to store all of the wet/used napkins, rags and "cotton" squares besides on the counter tops and floors.  I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of having them dropped wet into the laundry hamper either.  Bring on the wet bag!!

Used a lot by cloth diapering families, these waterproof/water resistant bags are a great way for our family to temporarily store our soiled items until I have time to do laundry.  I saw a pictures on Etsy but just wasn't willing to pay the price for something I new I knew I could do myself.  I used the directions for making a lined tote/purse from Home Ec 101 (http://www.home-ec101.com/make-it-this-weekend-basic-lined-totepurse/).

Kitchen wetbag & tie dyed wrag
For my materials I reused an old maternity shirt that I had not completely finished (it's been sitting in my fabric box for the past 11 years uncompleted), rip cloth nylon, and snaps.  Since I wanted my bag to attach to the bar of my oven, I made 2 snapping straps at the top of my bag.  I'm also lazy & new that I would not keep my bag zipped, so I left the bag open.  The nice part is that the bag can be thrown into my washer & dryer with my regular loads.

So far, it has been easy to use and my family has been using it without any problems.